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Pavement Preservation & Road Rehabilitation

Pavement preservation is a cost effective and greener approach to getting the most life out of your roads and making taxpayer dollars go further. In addition to cost efficiency, a pavement preservation approach is known to produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions, consume less energy, and provide faster application times than the alternative conventional approach.

A well-implemented pavement preservation approach achieves maximum efficiency by increasing the average condition of your pavement while decreasing your average spend per square metre.

Stay Ahead of The Curve

Every $2 Here
Or $4-$8 Here
Saves $12-18 Here
Pavement Preservation & Road Rehabilitation Chart

Limited budgets mean that spending on infrastructure is not keeping pace with current needs. Roadways are constantly deteriorating and the finances necessary to continually rebuild them are not available. The need for cost effective pavement preservation strategies is immediate. Duncor provides Thin Surface Treatments to help meet this need.

Thin Surface Treatments are also ecologically and socially responsible pavement preservation tools. Surface Treatments use fewer raw materials and produce significantly less green house gases than conventional mill and pave operations. Micro-surfacing for example emits approximately 80% less CO2 and uses approximately 80% less aggregate than a typical asphalt overlay.

Adapted from Chan et al, 2010, Pavement Preservation-A solution for sustainability

The rapid application time of thin surface treatments reduces lane closure time and keeps traffic disruptions to a minimum

For further information on Pavement Preservation & Road Rehabilitation,  Contact Us Today, and protect your paving investments.

Duncor Enterprises Inc – Pavement Preservation & Road Rehabilitation company, Ontario.
Phone: 705-730-1999
Fax: 705-730-7977
E-mail: info@duncor.ca